
Dividing Retirement Plans in a Divorce - What Happens

Dave always says, "If you think a bear market is brutal and costly, wait 'til you see what happens in a divorce!" In the event of a divorce, the court has the authority to divide or allocate all the property and assets belonging to both parties.  This includes pension plans, IRAs, and other retirement assets.

Getting Divorced? Should You File Joint or Separate Tax Returns?

Getting divorced?  Should you file Joint or Separate Returns? Your marital status on December 31 determines your filing status for the entire preceding year.  If you are still married on December 31, you have a choice.  You can file jointly with your soon-to-be ex-spouse or file using married filing separately status.  You might qualify to

Avoiding Divorce: Is It Possible?

Over half of first marriages end in divorce. While almost everyone eventually remarries, at least 60% of those second marriages lead to divorce. Divorce is the most common among the newly married, but even couples who have been married for decades are not immune. Despite the numbers, however, there is good news. Barring abuse or